AaronShirt LLC - Josh Allen Let’s Go Buffalo Patricia Allen Fund Help Get Kids Back To Being Kids T-Shirts

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It touched hearts. Nearly two million people watched the clip on TikTok. Another two million watched it on Instagram. Thousands flooded the comments section to share their own stories. “Oh Brooke, this is so hard. This is the end of an era and now you have to start a new chapter. But first you need to cry. A lot. I was on my couch for 3 weeks and couldn’t talk to anyone,” Debra Messing wrote. While mom influencers abound, Shields is leading TikTok’s new niche of parentless kids. It’s a tricky niche. After decades of stressful, over-the-top parenting, your role as primary caregiver is suddenly over. “I told you when to sleep, when to wake up, what to wear, what not to wear, what to eat, when to eat,” Shields said. “You have total control.” “All of a sudden, they're here as grown young women. It's beautiful to see—and really sad. It's not just being needed…you love them, and you miss them. Then you see them happy and it's confusing. Because you think, 'Oh my gosh, they don't need me. What am I going to do?'”

Josh Allen Let’s Go Buffalo Patricia Allen Fund Help Get Kids Back To Being Kids T-Shirts

The second viral TikTok? It was all hers. Days after dropping her kids off, she sat alone on her porch, struck by her loneliness. “I was really overwhelmed, the finality of it—that this was definitely a rite of passage,” Shields told Vogue. So she took out her phone and started filming. She admits she cried when they said goodbye, and then for most of the drive home. And right now? She’s just having a really hard time with it all. “I feel completely self-conscious about it,” Shields said, laughing, weeks later. But then she got serious: “I’m just being honest about how painful it is to see them getting smaller in the rearview mirror. It breaks your heart.”

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And then, as Shields learned, it was whatever the hell she wanted. A few weeks after crying on the porch, Shields posted another video of herself in jean shorts, excitedly announcing that she was home alone. Then she and her dog Tuzi cuddled on the couch while watching TV. In addition to her uninterrupted TV time, Shields indulged in the following: Going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up when she wanted; visiting friends’ houses and staying as long as she wanted; going on date nights—multiple times—with her husband; working long hours on her own projects! “There’s something about your time being your own again,” she says. “I don’t have to check in to see what their schedules are, so I can schedule my day around them. When you have kids, your whole life is tied to these people who have these schedules, and you have to dictate what those schedules are.” There are play dates and homework and manners and all this stuff.”

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